
Sunday May 23, 2021
The hidden seed of Logos
Sunday May 23, 2021
Sunday May 23, 2021
1Peter 1:23 since you have been born again, not of corruptible seed but of incorruptible seed, through the living and abiding (logos) of God;
Our New Creation lives are the expression of the logos seed of life implanted within us through the death and resurrection of Jesus, the logos Word of God. God is always ‘bringing us into being’ of that New Creation life and our faith causes us to always be ‘coming into being’ of that life. We attend to that hidden seed of spiritual life within.
The Logos was the Word that spoke creation into being, and that designed and ordered everything in the Universe.
John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word (Logos), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. All things were made through Him.
As a Pharisee, Paul used to have what he thought was the best and biggest idea for his life living under God’s Law, but then he was walloped by the greatest idea that had ever existed – the Logos, in the form of Jesus, The Word. Before Paul received a revelation from Jesus on the road to Damascus he was an enemy of Christianity. He had a very stable and strongly approved religion where everybody in his entire personal world validated him. When he was converted he was perceived as an enemy of Judaism by those of the Jewish religion even though they were not seen as enemies by him, and his whole personal world turned upside down.
Paul met the logos, Jesus, born from above, who joined God to humanity for all time.
John 1:1 And the Word became flesh and lived amongst us. Jesus Christ, the Logos now sustains and upholds all of creation with that Word of power. (Hebrews 1:3).
It is hard to grasp the wonder of this magnificent creative power that is able to order and reorder our whole life as we consciously cooperate with God in that process of transformation. Jesus the Logos Word unfolds to us who God is through the Holy Spirit, and as we get to know who God is, he gets to show us who we are.
The Word Logos had been around in Greek culture and philosophy for hundreds of years before Jesus was born. Logos was the one overarching thought in ancient Greek philosophy that expressed the wonder and design of an ordered Universe. When John wrote that Jesus was the Logos that created the world as God and that he became a human being that had come to live among us, it gave to everyone who read those words with a responsive faith, a profound understanding of who Jesus really was, as God joining himself to his own creation in us.
It was the Greek belief that Logos is some form of intentional idea or principle that can be seen everywhere; it makes up the earth, trees and even us as humans, and logos does not just give everything form; it also gives it order. In the Greek mind, this meant that logos determines who is who and who is placed where, because logos contains the master plan for all things, and constitutes the ideal way to order them.
So as Logos had become the big Idea for the Greek culture and indeed for much of the then known world, we now see that God had prepared that then known world with this word logos to describe the person of Jesus – In the beginning was the Logos…and the Logos was God…and the Logos became a human being.
Logos was the big idea and design plan of God’s own purpose and intention for humanity. When Paul was spoken to by the Logos, Jesus, that totally re-ordered his belief system and his personal world and his whole life. He began to live each day alongside Jesus as his disciple consciously allowing the Holy Spirit to bring the DNA of the implanted logos seed into the unfolding of his life’s destiny and purpose.
The apostle Peter’s tradition gave him a moral conscience of what was right and wrong according to the Jewish religion. Peter had already lived alongside Jesus, the Logos, the Word made flesh, for over three years as his disciple, and he knew him and loved him as a friend, but it took Peter a long time to let go of his former belief system of living under the Law of Judaism that he grew up with. His Jewish tradition gave him a moral conscience of the letter of the Law, but it was no longer fully aligned with what the Holy Spirit was saying according to the Logos, or Word of truth in the spirit.
New Testament Scriptures point out the difference between two different types of conscience (Hebrews 9:14, 10:22,6:22). These Scriptures show us that there is
the natural moral conscience and there is the Spiritual conscience which is aligned with the mind and heart of Jesus the Logos.
Hebrews 9:14 how much more will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without blemish to God, purify our conscience from bondage to the morality of human tradition (dead works) into life-giving service the living God.
All of humanity has been given a natural conscience by God, to discern the difference between right and wrong. Adam and Eve had that conscience before they disobeyed God because they were told that it was wrong to eat of the tree of knowledge. That is why they felt guilt and shame and covered their shame with fig leaves and hid from God. Humanity has been doing that ever since, hiding from God and covering their shame.
Our personal moral conscience about what is right and wrong has been formed broadly by our culture or religion and it guides our values and our decisions. This means that our natural or personal conscience can only inform us of the right and wrong of our culture or tradition, and in many areas we can be calling right wrong and calling wrong right.
God once showed Peter a vision of all kinds of animals that were forbidden for Jews to eat and he then told Peter to eat those animals as food. Peter refused to eat what he believed to be unclean food, alright maybe for gentiles but not fit for Jews, and so Peter told God that he was wrong! He said ‘Not so Lord’.
It is actually a contradiction to say ‘not so’ and ‘Lord’ in the same statement. God then had to say to Peter ‘do not call unclean what I have cleansed’. God was telling Peter that he was inviting all of humanity, and their food, into the Kingdom of God alongside his people Israel as his children and as brothers and sisters to his Son Jesus.
A natural conscience of human tradition is called in the Bible an evil or a harmful (poneros) conscience (Hebrews 10:22).
Peter was judging all of humanity outside of Judaism as being unclean and not worthy or eat with or to even enter into their house. That judgment was now a morally harmful and unloving act in the eyes of God, who then told Peter to go into the house of a gentile (Cornelius) and preach the Gospel of Jesus to him.
Peter had to have his harmful conscience gradually transformed by the work of the Holy Spirit who brings our conscience into line with God’s heart of Logos truth and love.
Jesus had told his disciples that when he went to be with his Father he would send the Holy Spirit to convict the world of sin. That means all of humanity after Jesus has the Holy Spirit actively working upon them in their spirit, where the conscience resides, bringing an awareness of the love and forgiveness of God for their sins and turning their hearts (repentance) toward God and away from darkness (like a plant turns towards the sunshine). When we respond to this movement of the Spirit and acknowledge what Jesus has done for us we then actively receive the Holy Spirit so that it is now an abiding of our spirit with the Holy Spirit in a pathway forward of our transformation from a natural life to a spiritual life in Christ.
Paul was literally exploded out of his natural and religious moral conscience under the Law. He had been a hostile enemy of Jesus until he met him on the road to Damascus.
Paul had been hunting down Jewish Christians and putting them in jail and sentencing them to death. He had actually just been part of the stoning to death of the martyr Stephen before he set off on the road to Damascus. The last thing that Stephen said to the Jewish elders and Pharisees before he died was ‘You are always resisting the Holy Spirit as your fathers did, you obstinate and hard hearted murderers of those who were sent to proclaim the coming of the Messiah’ (Acts 7:51).
Those words were still ringing in Paul’s ears when he was confronted by Jesus on that road that day, and when he was spoken to by Jesus Logos on that road, he had already been getting pricked in his conscience and angrily kicking against those promptings of Holy Spirit
Jesus knew what was happening in Paul’s conscience and he said to him ‘It is hard for you to kick against the pricks’ (Acts 9:5). Paul then asked Jesus ‘What must I do Lord?’
Paul’s conscience was then brought into line with Logos truth and he began to live not as a hostile enemy but as a close friend of Jesus.
All of humanity have a corruptible human seed of life from the DNA of our parents, and since Jesus we now have the incorruptible seed of life from the spiritual DNA of God implanted by Jesus, the Logos, through the Holy Spirit. We are encouraged to humbly reach in our hearts and minds and embrace the Logos.
James 1.21 Receive with meekness the implanted (emphytos) Logos that is able to save (restore and reorder) your soul.
Satan has planted into the minds all of humanity the seed of the Lie that we are all alienated from the life of God in Adam.
God has planted the seed of oneness with himself into the life of all humanity in Jesus.
(Romans 5:18)
We have both those seeds within us, the natural from Adam and the spiritual from Jesus.
We choose which one to cultivate and live from. The natural seed tends towards disorder and the alienation in our minds from the life of God and the spiritual seed (Logos) tends towards order and oneness with God and the renewing of our minds.
A seed brings something into being. which one will we invest in?
The natural seed is about self and what things I want for myself.
The Logos seed is about working together with God to release to others the goodness of God that we have received.
The Jesus Word of Logos is our blueprint that will live in us and bring understanding, truth and wisdom into any and every situation we face. As we still our hearts and minds and give attention to that one big Idea of the life giving and life changing seed of life within us Holy Spirit will inspire in us acts of virtue and courage, feelings of joy and peace, and God’s love deep within our hearts. It is an odd wonder that the Christmas event of the birth of Jesus, the ‘Word made flesh’ is celebrated around the world every year – even by people who do not understand or believe in the cosmic truth it contains. That is just one more welcome for Jesus to be believed in by ALL of humanity because it is for ALL humanity, but our lives of love and grace to others is the greatest welcome for so many who are desperately waiting for something better to happen in their lives. So let us gratefully receive that seed of life and invest in that seed and cultivate it so that it grows and bears the fruit of the blessing of God’s love and care that will go out and be that blessing for all those in our world in Jesus name Amen.
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