
Sunday Jan 05, 2025
Sunday Jan 05, 2025
Sunday Jan 05, 2025
The Lord’s Prayer says Our Father who is in heaven holy is your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. When we say your Kingdom come, we are not talking about the afterlife but about God’s Kingdom being experienced here on earth. The Lord has established his throne in the heavens, and his kingdom rules over all. Psalm 103:19
The Kingdom of God rules over all other kingdoms on the earth and God desires that his rule and order in heaven is expressed in the earth. However, most people are living only under the rule of one of a multitude of different kinds of kingdoms in the earth, ranging from dictatorships through democracies and on to superstitious religious or tribal cultures. And most people only see an earthly kingdom in action and are not aware that a heavenly Kingdom even exists let alone its being in command of all that happens on earth. I believe we are living in days when God is opening peoples’ eyes to see his Heavenly Kingdom being displayed on earth.
A kingdom is a governmental rule of order presided over by a ruler. There are thousands of political kingdoms in the world and there is a multitude of ‘rules of order’ and different ways to protect and enforce that rule of order.
Australia is a parliamentary democracy that is directly and indirectly under a Monarchy that has vowed to honour and serve God as the overarching rule.
America is a republic that has declared ‘In God we trust’ and that they are ‘A nation under God’. As to how faithfully those two governmental systems serve that Godly rule depends on the integrity and sincerity of the political leadership in maintaining those spiritual and cultural foundations. At the moment those foundations are being eroded, and God is holding everyone to account.
If Australia became a republic, who would designate what would be the overarching rule and value that we upheld, and who would protect and enforce what that overarching rule and value would be from that time on for our lives, and who would appoint the leader? Maybe just leave it to the politicians? - think about that when there’s a referendum. But for us the Bible says ‘pray for rulers and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence’(1Timothy2).
Our constant mindset of prayer remains as ‘Your Kingdom come’.
People today also create their own personal kingdoms of rule and order over whatever overarching ideologies they choose to embody, so there is a lot at play when it comes to discussing whose will gets done on earth as it is in Heaven.
In the Old Testament Israel saw much evidence of the rule of a Heavenly Kingdom in the earth through miraculous interventions of God in their life. Things were seen being done in Heaven that were also being done on the earth.
Elisha saw into the heavens that God’s angels were defeating the Syrian army that were fighting against Israel at the place where Elisha and Gehazi were staying, so he said to his terrified servant Gehazi ‘Fear not: for greater are they that are with us than they that are against us. And Elisha prayed, and said, LORD, I pray that you would open his eyes, that he may see. (2Kings 6:1) God opened Gehazi’s eyes to see the Heavenly battle.
Daniel was praying to God and saw the four winds of heaven in turmoil churning up the seas (Daniel 7). Daniel saw four great beasts that prophetically symbolise powerful earthly kingdoms that still exist today also disrupting the churning seas, and the seas symbolise the global population. And in the Book of Revelation chapter 13 this same vision of kingdom disorder and disruption gets prophetically amplified as something yet to occur globally in the nations of today’s world. There is much that needs to come to pass in history yet, but we could be seeing the beginnings of this unfolding before our eyes at this time. We are living in a time of the clashing of kingdoms. ‘All things are being shaken and the things that are man-made will be removed, so that the things which cannot be shaken may remain. Therefore, we are receiving a kingdom which cannot be shaken, and are given grace, by which we may serve God’ (Hebrews 12:27)
In the New Testament we need eyes of faith to ‘see’ the Kingdom of God. Jesus always saw the Kingdom of God and he also saw the kingdom of the earth and lived in both. He did not live a secular life that was separate from his spiritual life, but the Kingdom of God was his true reality. He saw what was done in heaven being done in the earth. He put God first and he did what he saw his Father do. One day Jesus said to the listening crowds “Truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by Himself, unless He sees the Father doing it. For whatever the Father does, the Son does also.
For Jesus things happened twice – God did it in Heaven and Jesus did it on earth. God’s will was done on earth as it had been done in heaven. He teaches us that in the lord’s Prayer.
The Father showed Jesus how Lazarus was to be raised from the dead when everyone was telling Jesus to come and heal him. The Father showed Jesus through the Holy Spirit the multitudes being fed with the miraculous loaves and fishes. Jesus saw the lame man take up his bed and walk at the pool of Bethesda and then spoke it into being.
How do we see the Kingdom of Heaven and live a life that expresses the Heavenly Kingdom of God in the earth? Jesus said, “Truly I say to you, unless one is born from above (anothen) he cannot see the kingdom of God.” (John 3:3).
When people ask when we will see the Kingdom of heaven being active in the earth the only answer is – when it starts to be seen in our lives – as the love and compassion and the justice and mercy and truth that is in Christ. If we ask for the Holy Spirit to become active in our lives we will be guided by the Holy Spirit to hear what God is saying to us and see with eyes of faith what he showing us to do. We will pray prayers of surrender to receive God’s answers and get his results rather than our demands for our own wishes. Paul says that the devil’s strategy is to blind people’s minds to see the things that God is doing from Heaven -The god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the message of the glory of Christ (2Corinthians 4:6) But the Bible also says that ‘Greater is he who is within you than he who is in the world (1John 4:4).
When we have faith in the work of the Kingdom of God in Heaven, we begin to understand the spiritual reality that God’s will in Heaven is waiting to happen on earth in our lives and that becomes our new reality for everything we aspire to.
We may not see the spiritual battles going on in the heavens like Elisha, but we can often sense the spiritual oppression and know that there is an activity of darkness happening and we can have faith that God is at work in the world of the unseen to overcome that darkness and to shield us from it. We can trust that the Holy Spirit will bring his word alive to us as we read the Scriptures and that things will unfold in our lives that we realise only God could have arranged for us, and things on earth will start to become what is being done in heaven in front of our eyes.
There are things happening on the world stage that reveal the disorder and disruption by ungodly religious and cultural and Marxist dictatorships that defy the rule of law and seek to demolish democratic principles that honour the God of the Bible. This is happening in the Middle East where Israel is being attacked from all sides, and it is happening in too many other democratic nations from within. Godly foundations are being eroded through weak national leaderships that grasp for worldly power through corrupt and deceitful means. We live in a nation that has been given the Gospel but it has become indifferent to it over the years in its preference for the ‘good life’. But the good life is fast becoming the not so good life, and the tide is turning on the failed social and political experiments of recent times. This coming year will be a defining year for our nation as we take hold of What Jesus has already won for this nation. God is raising up his Kingdom in this Great South land of the Holy Spirit and we can personally expect to receive his grace for his Kingdom to be on display in our lives. Israel had to possess Canaan the Land of Promise (Numbers 34) which measured 300,000 square miles which is 777,000 square kilometres of territory (300,000X2.59) but the land of Promise that God wants possessed today is the territory of people’s hearts to believe and ‘receive the promise of the Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ (Gatatians 3:14). God has gone before us to ‘Go in and possess the land’. Your heart of faith and love can be a window for the hearts of others to see the Kingdom and a door for others to enter into the Kingdom.
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